Teaching Pedagogies

Teaching Pedagogies

Skill-Based Learning

We at Mars1 have a learner-centric mindset and through our years of explorations on how to provide the learner with the best possible environment to learn in, we have realised that a blend of the traditional methods of teaching with a hands-on teaching methodology is what helps the skills of every learner shine. Following this principle, we at Mars1 help our learners to develop a multitude of skills along with a growth mindset through our integrated teaching and learning practices.

At Mars 1, we help our learners to hone their existing skills and also develop new skills based on their aptitude. Here, skill development is done in all stages of learning and is connected to the real world rather than just being limited to subject-specific skills.

We have a transdisciplinary approach at Mars1 and learning is through integration, such as, creative skills through art, ICT, locomotor and non-locomotor skills through Physical Education, and flexibility through dance. We also provide both implicit as well as explicit opportunities of learning to our learners that help them inculcate the habit of reflecting on the importance of learning and of being involved in and making meaningful contributions to their communities and the world at large.

Differentiated Teaching

Every child is born with a special style of learning and at Mars1 we ensure that the content presented to each of our learners is relevant to their particular style of learning.

At Mars1, every learning engagement is planned after multiple, extensive discussions which are about the process used to learn the content of engagements and the expected outcomes of these engagements. Such discussions ensure that the learning engagements provide learners at different starting points of learning to get the instructional support they require to meet the expected outcomes.

We at Mars1 have an inclusive attitude and this is best seen in our classrooms where differentiated teaching is a norm. Every lesson is planned to factor in different learning styles, learners are grouped as per area of interest and/or ability, learning assessments are carried out regularly and most importantly, a safe, happy and supportive environment is created in every classroom to enhance the learning process.

At Mars1, we believe that given a bit of differentiated hand-holding in the early years of education goes a long way towards our astronauts growing into confident and aware individuals.

Play-Based Learning

At Mars1, we use play-based learning to help learners make sense of their world. Play-based learning engages the learner in learning without them being really aware of it. This method of learning is rooted in the natural desire of a child to play.

The curriculum used in Mars1 is learner-centric allowing the learner to make choices based on their personal interests thus promoting student agency. The teachers at Mars1 engage learners in play-based activities, observe them as they play and based on their observations, decide on the methods they can use to expand each learner’s learning.

The play-based approach at Mars1 is transdisciplinary, creating a strong foundation for our astronauts to draw from and to apply to real-life, and to become and remain lifelong learners.