

Our intention at Mars1 is to open up and introduce the world one step at a time to our learners through our well-thought-out programmes. Each of the four programmes offered by Mars1 is built on a central theme to ensure that our learners can make connections within and across topics and disciplines allowing them to assimilate, absorb and thus, imbibe all the learning experiences that they have with us.


After being in the safe care of their primary caregivers within their homes, the playgroup is the next step into the world for a child and it signifies the beginning of a child’s journey into the world of education. In this phase, we at Mars1, know that it is of utmost importance that every child is given the support, the encouragement and a sense of security that will help them get past their separation anxiety, get familiar with their new surroundings, form bonds with their teachers and start socialising.

Here are some of things that the playgroup curriculum at Mars1 focuses on:

  • Developing pre-language and pre-math skills
  • Building self-confidence and self-awareness
  • Honing listening and communication skills
  • Managing feelings and behaviour
  • Forming bonds with peers and adults

School Time: 9:00 A.M. - 12.30 P.M.

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When a child joins the Mars1 nursery, they have already tackled their separation anxiety and have learned the basics of socialising and gaining familiarity with the classroom spaces. At this stage in Mars1, we increase the amount of time they spend with us, we read longer books to enable an increase in their attention spans and we work on their patience by encouraging our learners to share materials and by taking longer turns with each of them. Since our astronauts have already learnt to work as a large group by this time, in the nursery, we challenge them to explore their curriculum while working in smaller groups and pairs.

The Mars1 nursery curriculum focuses on the following:

  • Developing language and maths skills
  • Honing:
    • Fine motor skills are important for activities such as writing, drawing, cutting, and colouring
    • Gross motor skills through activities such as running, skipping, jumping, and kicking

School Time: 9:00 A.M. - 12.30 P.M.

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Junior Kindergarten

Our Mars1 junior kindergarten or junior KG curriculum is focused on developing critical skills in our astronauts. Our astronauts spend a little more time with us in this programme as compared to when they were in nursery. This extra time is used to make our learners more familiar with the world around them and to enhance their academic and social-emotional skills, two very crucial skills to have in kindergarten.

The following are some of the other areas of focus in the Mars1 junior KG curriculum:

  • Regulating behaviour, feelings and reactions
  • Following complex instructions and directives
  • Communicating effectively
  • Sustaining attention
  • Learning particulars of language
  • Unraveling problems
  • Using appropriate tools strategically

School Time: 9:00 A.M. - 12.30 P.M.

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Senior Kindergarten

In senior kindergarten or senior KG, our learners are full of curiosity about their world. They have their own opinions and thoughts and enjoy hands-on learning experiences. The senior KG curriculum at Mars1 gives them many opportunities to have experiences that provoke and support abstract thinking skills and to demonstrate their emerging skills in coordination. The curriculum focuses on socializing skills, such as empathising with others, taking turns in playing with something, and waiting to be called by the teacher.

Some other areas of focus in the Mars1 senior KG curriculum are:

  • Learning complex language and maths skills
  • Discerning basic cause and effect relationships
  • Speaking about stories, pictures, and models created in class
  • Gathering and recording information using observational skills
  • Foreseeing and discussing ideas
  • Identifying simple patterns through observation
  • Exploring how objects and phenomena function

School Time: 9:00 A.M. - 12.30 P.M.

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